all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

dimanche, août 15, 2004

oh man i am such a freak lar
i think i just lost another phone
lost another sim card
-- lost all my contacts once again.
what is wrong with me why am i becoming so darn absent minded? something's wrong with me.
for sure.

i'm flying fourth wave on tuesday anyway. yAy! i'm so happy first time i'm getting that slot. and.
okay i should be mourning. for my lost sim card. please contact me on my starhub line in the meantime cos it's the m1 line i've misplaced.


+ + + + +

all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.